Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From French to Choir

I know I haven't written in a while, and i have no idea why i didn't but who cares. I'm back in school and ready to rock. No idea how, though, since pretty much everyone's mad at me for quitting French but it doesn't exactly make any sense cause i only have like two friends in French and Pinky (Natausha) doesn't mind but Kelsie, my other French class friend, is pretty peeved. she called me a traitor about a million times last Friday on IM. it made me sad. i had already cried my eyes out over it in the morning and at lunch! It was really sad. I mean, I love Madame Knell, she rox she's the coolest language teacher EVER. and she's SOOOO nice. but when robin, pinkey, and i went into the french room that morning it was like a shadow fell over the french room because of what i went in there for.
"Madame Knell, I gotta tell you something."
"Sure Christine," She said. Christine is the French name i picked.
"I'm transferring out of French."
I don't remember what she said after that but she looked so said i almost started crying.
"I'm really sorry Madame Knell, but it's just that French isn't fun anymore." she looked at me with big sad eyes and her face went white. "I don't have any friends in my class"-there's two 8th grade classes and Kelsie and Pinky are in 4th period and I was in 5th-"and when we do partner work everyone else pairs off and i'm left all alone to do work by myself and lets face it if i don't have a partner I'm screwed and I can't do the work cause my brain can't function properly unless i have someone who knows french better than me or just as well..." I was monologuing to avoid bursting with tears.
"Well is there something I can do?" She really wanted me to stay in her class! "Is there someone in the class nice enough or that you feel comfortable around that I can seat you next to-I can put you next to them for every seating chart if you want-" She was trying to help so bad it was making me really sad!
"Everyone in that class has a friend that they would rather sit next to than me and whether they sit next to me or not they'll just go walk over to their friends and work with them I'll still be left alone..."
"Well I don't have to do that anymore! I can asign partners!"
"No, I don't want you to ruin everybody's fun!"
"Oh they can deal with it-"
"I just think it's better this way French just won't be as fun as it used to be without my friends and one of the reasons I got an A in French last year was because of peer support but now all i have is just peer rejection."
"It just breaks my heart to see such a great student as you leave," a tear escaped from both of her eyes. "And you really loved French..."
"Oh don't cry Madam Knell!" But then I started crying! "Here you need a hug and frankly so do I!" and we hugged and it was just so SAD!!!!!
We let go of each other and I looked over out the classroom door and the seventh graders were all staring at us so Madam Knell said "Here," and guided me back out of sight of the kids in the hallway. As I moved back I glanced at Pinky and Robin who were staring at me with "WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING????" looks on their faces. Madam Knell and I wiped our eyes and Robin laughed at us. so sympathetic isn't she?
"But I AM switching into a really fun class, I'm going into Choir."
"And you think Choir will be better for you then?" she asked, smiling.
"Yeah, I DO like to sing!"
"Oh, I know, you took advantage of class every time we pulled out our song sheets!" She said.
I remembered the day before, how during song time she called on everyone but me and Nate suggested we sing "Vois Sur Ton Chemin" which is my favorite French song, look it up on You Tube it's really pretty. But anyway, Madame Knell asked us all if we wanted to sing it and like ten people shouted "YES YES YES WE HAVE TO SING VOIS SUR TON CHEMIN!!!!" including me but the rest of the class was like no lets sing something else but just kept begging. our pleas were overlooked. "Maybe another time," Madame Knell reassured us. that was the worst second day of school ever cause of all the exclusion and stuff.
And I was right. Choir was WAAAAAAAAAY more fun. I made friends with a 7th grader named Halle or Hally I'm still not sure how to spell her name but whatever. and Yesenia, another French drop-out and one of my very good friends, and Camile, a girl with whome I was never very well acquainted with but now we're good friends, are in Choir, too. it was really funny though I'm just getting over a cold, and yesterday when we were doing voice exercises I was standing next to Halle in the risers and we were getting into high notes and my nose was plugged up and my throat hurt (I found out that day that she had a cold too, so that was kinda funny too) and when I tried to sing the high notes that everyone else in the class-including the guys-was hitting really well, I couldn't make a sound! I turned to halle and said "I can't sing!"
"Don't say that," she said. "You have a great voice-we all heard you sing on Friday!"
"NO!" I smiled uneasily. "I mean I can't make sound come out!"
She laughed. "Don't worry I can't even sing that high." we both laughed and continued failing miserably at singing notes only sick people couldn't hit.
So now I'm happy and I still visit Madame Knell in the mornings and on Monday, when I told her I was sick, and suggested she play my favorite song as a farewell gift, she said, "OH! I'll play Vois Sur Ton Chemin for you, Christine! Make you feel better!" and Kelsie, Pinky and I started singing along to it although I probably sounded a whiny dog cause of my stuffed up nose and soar throat. lol but it's good now.

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