Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Sound Of Settling

wow I haven't made a post in a while! Well, Robin and I made up on MONDAY the first day back to school after one of the worst weekends of my life. They called me up to Ms. Irish's room during fifth period and I walked in on Robin crying. Turns out that little talk Kayla and I had in Science that day was the cause of Robins crying (well, part of it). Robe really liked Kayla and looked up to her because of something she said to her on Friday and when Kayla over heard me and Allison talking about Robin and trying to figure out what the heck is going on with her Kayla looked over her computer and said, "WHAT? she told me you guys are ditching her because you don't like her hanging out with me!"
And I'm just like "NO! We didn't care that she was friends with you! she told US she needs 'change' because we aren't working out very well for her as friends."
"What? OK, she lied to me." then she started mumbling about how she was going to ditch robin or something at lunch.
Well, it turns out that Robin ended up spending her lunch in the GIRL'S BATHROOM! I felt so sorry her so I forgave her for acting like an A hole to me three days ago. so now we are friends gain and things are all cool between us. It's really nice to hear "the Sound Of Settling", lol!!!!!

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