Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gazzam Lake

I went to Gazzam Lake today with my dad. it was pretty fun. I took lots of pix with my mondo burrito sexi camera. i don't think they should call it a lake. i mean, it's more like a marsh than a lake, really. seriously. but i got some pretty pictures of it and all of the NATURE that you can find growing NATURALLY on the sides of forest paths in washington state. the one i featured is actually just a pic of me fearlessly touching a sting nedle which can hurt you really bad and leave welts on your skin that itch and itch and then sting and burn if you scratch to much and you have to treat them like burns and put alo vera on it. BUT you can avoid getting hurt if you have really thick skin on your fingers like me. its also edible. but you have to build up A LOT of saliva in your mouth before you stuff a leaf in it cause it DOES burn your lips. it actually doesn't taste that bad. kind of like fuzzy lettuce and it tingles in your mouth and down your throat.

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