Friday, September 19, 2008

Allegra + Julia + Lincoln + me = DISASTER

omg so i emailed madi what she missed today at school cause she was siiiiiiiiiick.
here is our convo:
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Lainey is Awesome wrote:
DUDE allegra says she didn't do it but idk about that but anyway on the third stall in the girls bathroom it says (inside a heart) Allegra + Julia and she showed it to us today at lunch and harper was there and she wanted to see but allegra tried to cover it up so i went in there and tried to hold her back and harper started laughing when she saw it and allegra tried to push me aaside and succeeded but fell into the toilet in the process and had a big glop of toilet water on her ass it was so funny and people were looking at it and she's liek ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE ITS JUST TOILET WATER!!! but like that was any better than looking like3 she pissed herself it was so funny everybody was laughing for like the rest of the day but now kelsie hates me cause in band we had cleaning tips so he took it section by section and when your section wasnt up you could do homework so robin read my two introductory paragraphs and said i could use better action wording on the second one instead of "stare" so said "so you think i should say 'and everyone immediately turned around and precariously watched'?" and she said yeah and im like "but i don't know what precarious means" and shes liek "lets go ask sam cause hes smart" *goes off into lalaland staring at sam* and im like ew but we do anyway and i said "can you tell me what the word precarious means? cause robin said you were good at this kind of stuff" and she said "yeah you are really good at this" and i said "well robin you would know." and then she told everyone that i said that when he said that his thing was big but he only said thing cause he couldn't remember which instrument he played (oh year real smart) but i don't remember that ever happening i only said that you would know thing once and it was on the less gross thing but kelsie believes robin and told me that wasn't nice and then she got all mad at me so yeah now i think she hates me (again).

1 comment:

the Band Geek said...

hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lainey this is yourself speaking telling you to get a life lolololololololol i luvs me! cause im sexi