Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anticipation and hyperventilation

like I said in one of my Disneyland vacation posts i would be going back in september to meet up with my aunt, my aunt's friend, Danette, who came last trip, and danette's (she's the one in the pic in the left side of the tea cup in the orange shirt-click on the pic and take a good look at her mouth she looks like an alien or a monster or something trying to eat me BUT for a better pic of her check out my other disneyland posts under the label "vacation" its a pic of me and her on Thunder Mountain) family. she has two nieces and two nephews and the oldest is I think 16 and I wonder if he's hot. if hes not then Disneyland will be slightly less but still majorly freaking awesome as I am hoping this trip will be. then there is the girl who is i think like a year younger than me idk maybe she's 13 now im not sure but my aunt and danette are like "you two will be really good friends, i just know it." yeah, WE'LL SEE. idk she seems cool though. i mean, i don't know that much about her, just about as much as I know about the rest of the family: that they LOVE Lord of the Rings. and I am absolutely in love with the trilogy. I mean, I've read all three books, own the trilogy, MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER IS Return of the King (the last in the trilogy)!!!!!! well i DO like the sixth star wars movie. and YES I mean the ACTUAL sixth one, not the sixth one that they made, where annikan turns into Darth Vader, NO. I mean the one where they go to the moon of Endor and meet all the ewoks OMG THEY ARE JUST ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE ARE THEY NOT??????? maybe this time I'll get to meet the lady who works there who played one of the ewoks in the sixth movie!!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! I AM SO JAZZED SERIOUSLY ITS GONNA BE So. Freaking. AWESOME. wait. maybe i'm so happy because I just drank a whole glass of iced French Roast coffee. it was TASTY. but seriously folks. oh who am i kidding? I'm hyperventilating im so excited!! I CANT POSSIBLY BE SERIOUS WHEN IM LEAVING FOR DISNEYLAND IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! ok I wasn't exactly HAPPY about going in april. but that's only because of the WASL!!!! i just didn't want to have to make up for any days of the WASL that I missed, thats all! but it wasn't so bad. i mean, its not like i was the only person there who had to make it up. other people were there. and i even finished before them HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! ok its not like i was the first to finish. or the second. or the third. but there were like seven people there so finishing smack dab in the middle every time with the SAME GROUP OF PEOPLE isn't so bad. it was actually kind of nice. i mean, during the breaks we would joke around and talk and stuff and share each others gold fish and ok now we sound like kindergartners!! but it was nice to be able to talk to people i normally wouldn't because of friendship boundaries. but since nobody in the room was friends with anybody else in the room we could be friendly with each other!!! pretty sweet deal, huh?

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