Saturday, September 13, 2008

Phantom of the Opera

I went to go see the Phantom of the Opera at the Paramount Theatre in Seattle. totally awesome. LOVED IT. so you know Im like the world's biggest music fiend? yeah, i probably love music more than the people who are famous for making it!!!!! Im serious!!!! so you can imagine how excited I was to se an actual OPERA!!!!! unfortunately the interior design is under copywrite so you can't take any pictures inside. BUT i did get some pix of me on the ferry all dressed up in my black satin double-breasted dress with the horizontal pleats down the stomach with the pretty white flowers seriously we were like the only people there dressed up. ok maybe a FEW other people were dressed up but like everybody else was in jeans and a t shirt! i got a phantom T that says "Primma Donna" with a rinestone to dot the i and the phantom's mask under the words it looks mondo-burrito sexi. but yeah anyway. the inside of the theatre does look completely AMAZING, by the way!!!!! and the guy who played Raul, TOTALLY HOTT!!!!!!!!!! we're talkin SEXI FUNN TO THE MAXXX HERE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol I just remembered the whole allegra thing. "I got some sexi funn in my back pocket!" ok, maybe not THAT sexi. I was just talking about his black and white pic. which was probably taken a few years and beauty mark complimented his porcilin skin, and those thick brown wavey locks jeez he was attractive!!! THEN. now I think he's put on a pound around the face or something i don't know! whatever it is, he doesn't look an eighth as hot as he does in the pic. ANYWAY I would totally go see it again but unfortunately we are spending our trip on DISNEYLAND which is where we will be coing in 12 FREAKING DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!


Madi Williamson said...

I like Hippos!

Madi Williamson said...

i meant i love ronaldo and hippos, i love ronaldo more!
he is so sexi!

the Band Geek said...

omg lol im talking to you on the telephono!!!