Wednesday, September 24, 2008


TODAYS SONG IS: "One Fine Wire" by Colbie Caillat because believe it or not, it has something to with Disneyland. how? well it happens to be just about my favorite song (next to title and registration and Grapevine fires) and i had JUST bought the Coco CD like the day before we left. i was obsessed with the song "Bubbly" and kept listening to it and i put it on my mp3 player and i was listening to it on our long voyage (about a mile) of a walk from our hotel to disneyland. we would normally stay the Ramada Inn And Maingate but we couldnt afford it last time so we had to walk a mile there and a mile back (a problem which was soon soon solved by renting a taxi for five bucks for the night walk so we didnt get mugged) so every morning on our way to disneyland i would have listen to bubbly buti decided to check out the other songs. well, funny thing happened when i was trying to figure out how to work it (it was brand new like the cd) so i was pushing some kind of button (the menu/mode button) so when i got to "one fine wire" which is number three, bubbly was the next song and i was being retarded and wanted to change it so i could listen to bubbly again but i pushed the menu/mode button and it changed it from default to one lap so the song would repeat when it was over. i probably listened to that song about four times in a row before i realized that it was repeating itself. so i spent the rest of the walk trying to figure out how to work it but i failed. so i looked up the button in the owners manuel and figured out how to fix it. but you know what i did the next morning? i listened to that song all the way through, and right when it ended i hit the menu/mode button and listened to it for the rest of the walk. thats right. i DIDNT even try to skip it to listne to bubble. i didnt even listen to bubbly at all! ok i did later but whatever.

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