Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Marches of the Armed Forces

DUDE!!! mr Waterkotte is working us so hard in band its pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, he's still like the coolest teacher on the face of the planet, but he was like in a really bad mood today and kept making us go Marches of the Armed Forces like a billion times and we couldn't keep up cause the song is cut time so all of our notes are played for half the length they normally would be, and like all of trombone is quarter notes it is REALLY ANNOYING!!!!!!! and then he started yelling at us and saying he would go into back into his office cause we were too loud and stuff but thats just cause we have (and i list from least to greatest on the perverted scale):
will caine
jacob (i never remember his last name)
danny connaly
scott wyman
and i always sit in like the middle of the low brass row so right next to me is the black xylophone thingy and lincoln always comes down there to play it since hes percussion and I and hear just about every sick thing he says LOUD AND CLEAR, even when he just mumbles it!!!!!!!!

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