Monday, September 15, 2008

Killing Quarida

YO YO YIGGITY YO YOU GUYS!!! I wrote more of the story. to read what happened first, the actual romantic part of the story, check out my post "To maintain professionalism" it explains what's happening. SO. where did we leave off? oh yeah. right after he kissed her.
It was then the butler walked out onto the balcony…
…And walked right back into the house through the sliding glass door.
Cris stopped kissing me and pulled me back up onto feet.
“Sorry I am, quarida,” he said, obviously noticing the faint expression on my face. WAIT. Quarida? Doesn’t that mean dearest one? I may not speak fluent Spanish, but Bonnie’s husband who happens to be Mexican, calls her “quarida”. Why was he calling ME dearest one? I’d only known him since before the game today! Maybe he just calls everybody “dearest one”.
He took two steps back to the table and sat down in his chair. I joined him at the table. My lips still tingled from our kiss. My brain still tingled from trying to comprehend why he kissed me. Ronaldo make pretty girl feel better. Was he just playing with me? Does he kiss all of his friends back in Manchester? Except that…our kiss lasted at LEAST 20 seconds…
Oh WHY couldn’t I just accept that he found me attractive and forget about it? I mean, a lot of guys find me attractive. And I’ve had more than my fair share of one-night-stands. Oh. That’s right. I couldn’t forget about it because normally every time I kiss a guy it LEADS to a one-night-stand. So why did I expect he would want to…?
JESUS HE WAS RIGHT! There is DEFINITELY something wrong with me! Alright. PROFESSIONAL. Time to engage in professional sequence.
“He tell them kiss on you,” he said.
“What?” What did he say?
“The pretty clothing man tell them I make kisses on you.” He said, nodding toward the door where the butler was watching us from the other side.
“Who, Chives?” I asked. Chives. What a typical name for a butler. But seriously. Who names their kid after a vegetable?
“Fine.” He said, folding his arms. “The onion man. He tell them.”
“Oh, no.” I said with a worried laugh. “He wouldn’t tell a soul.”
“I am sorry, quarida, I must go,” he said, standing up.
“Oh, no,” I whispered under my breath. “Please don’t go!” I shouted as I stood up. “You could get me fired!”
He whipped his head around to look at me. Slowly he walked back toward me. His arm came up and he put a hand on my arm.
“I burn you?” he asked.
He looked genuinely worried like he had hurt me, which caused me to start worrying too. I knew that if he kept turning me on like this I would take advantage of him and all would be lost. Not only would I get fired tomorrow, I would be heartbroken when he left. Which is odd, considering how many men have left me in my time. Just another one-night-stand.
Besides, his girlfriend would be missing him. And she’s a hell of a lot prettier than I am. She also has a lot more to offer him, with her career in modeling, so he’s probably going to be sticking with her for along time. Not that he needs more money. I mean, he’s a freaking star athlete, he gets paid all the money in the world.
“Uh,” I said, searching for the right words. “No. I’m sorry.” I stepped forward. “I just-” my foot got caught behind the leg of the chair and I started to fall forward. It was too late for him to catch me, I knew. As I was falling it was like was like my brain grew wings and flew out of my skull and floated in mid air, watching me fall on my face. In the back of my mind I could see Cris standing there not moving a muscle going “Oh, look. Another retarded American girl falling and busting up her face. Sigh. Nothing new, I see those all the time.”
But he didn’t. I hit the ground and rolled over onto my back in time to see his foot get stuck behind a bump in the wood planks of the deck floor as he was dashing to my rescue. His massive muscular body hurtled down on top of mine before I had time to even THINK of rolling out of the way. I did however have time to snap my eyes shut quicker than you could shoot a gun. I could hardly breathe. I opened my eyes and tried to look around for Chives. I tried calling his name, but I couldn’t even scream. It sounded more like a wheezy whiney dog than a human being crying for help. I started seeing stars, then realized I was looking at the sky. Then I heard a sniffing sound next to my ear. Was he crying? No. He was smelling me. My hair, to be exact. But…why? Like a boa constrictor he squeezed me into him, rapping his arms around me. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON?!
It was just like my 21 birthday when we all got drunk and jumped on each other. Actually we tried making a cheer pyramid and Zander climbed up on the fence and tried jumping on the top but like the drunken idiot he is half the time he fell on us and I happened to be on the next to bottom row of the pyramid. Jimmy was right below me so I fell on top of him and broke one of his ribs. Unfortunately we had the weight of about fifteen people on top of us so it just got worse. He came out with a broken rib and leg, and I broke my arm in two places. Apparently we started making out but I don’t remember doing that very well. Everyone else did, though. How we could even move under all those bodies is beyond my knowledge.
After about a minute of gasping and wheezing I could feel Cris’s body lift off mine. Thank God! I was about ready to pass out there! He knelt beside me.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, looking panicked.
I tried moving but couldn’t. I was still gasping for breath. I had the wind knocked out of me and it was taking THIS LONG to gain it back?
“Can I move you?” he asked, noticing me struggle. Hell yeah you can move me! Baby, rock me like a hurricane! Please! Just cause I’m paralyzed doesn’t mean I’m not capable of feeling pleasure! You may have almost killed me, but you’re still the sexiest thing alive! I felt his arms around me again, lifting my body up off the ground. I still couldn’t breathe. My eyelids were getting heavy, and I gazed at the stars again. My head was getting light like I was in outer space floating around in those stars I was looking at. Wait. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was stars! Then blue. Then black.
Then I was two years back at the bottom of a huge pile of people looking down at my best friend, Jimmy. All of a sudden I was kissing him, like it was nobody’s business, and for the first time I saw the kiss that I missed, the kiss that people were talking about on campus the next day. The kiss I thought never happened.


Madi Williamson said...

why would Zander and Weber be at my 21st birthday? did i die? Besides, Weber is younger than me so he wouldnt be able to drink, its not like we've never broken the law before but still, i dont want to get drunk and make out at the bottom of a pyramid. but in egypt that would be cool, there are some tan hottie in egypt!

Madi Williamson said...

wait, i'm quarida! I DIED!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY LIFE! I DONT WANT TO DIE IN A one night stand! *GASP* WHEN I HAVE A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH RONALDO I WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madi Williamson said...

my best friend isnt jimmy! oh, I SEE. You put "jimmy" in for you know who! ok, but its wierd cause i still think of jimmy as you know who, wait, does ronaldo kiss me again? oooh, what happens next????

the Band Geek said...

first of all, in the story weber is JIMMY. as in the jimmy on the ferry boat on the feild trip. the jimmy that was visiting from IDAHO. the feild trip that you MISSED cause you had MONO from making out with ronaldo too much!!!!!!!!! jk but seriously.
SECOND OF ALL. you aren't DEAD, you just pass out.
what do you mean buy you still think of jimmy as you know who? who do i know who? wait. what jimmy were you talking about!!!!!!!