Friday, October 10, 2008

the Wild and Wacky Adventures of Lainey in Disneyland

Oh, wow, where to begin? well, i guess ill start with this. BEST VACATION EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to make things easy for my self im going to post the disneyland email updates that i sent to all my peeps back home while i was gone.
but in this post i'm going to do the song of the day.
today's song is "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra. one of my favorite bands. i have all of there CDs. actually they're my dad's CDs but whatever. they're his favorite band. ELO is from the 70's and 80's. WAY WAY better than the Beatles.

i would also like to thank meghan hill for giving me the awesome title of this post. i quote what she said in reply to one of my disneyland emails:
hahahaha you should change the title of all your disneyland e-mails to "the wild and wacky adventures of lainey in disneyland"

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