Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Reuinion Cut Short

ok now this is what i had rewrite because the stupid maid at our hotel stole my mp3 player with this BRILLIANT action car chase adventure scene in it.

I pulled the edge of my sleeve back to look at my watch. 10:56am it read. He was late. 56 minutes late to be exact. I had been sitting there for almost an hour listening to the hum of voices. Ah, my remedy for almost all my problems. I have always found listening to conversations to be quite comforting, though no one could ever figure out why. Eavesdropping has become a second nature to me ever since I started grade school. I was the sports columnist then, too. For our school paper, I mean. I covered the behind the scenes stuff like which athlete was going out with which cheerleader and if they thought they were going to win how they balance homework and football etc. My looks got me far I guess cause I’m doing basically the same thing I was doing in high school. I mean, considering how I got my job then, and how I got it now…well, at least I have an attractive manager, which makes flirting with him much easier. He almost chose my rival, Stan Peters, but fortunately I won over the job with my witty charm. I had to call in sick today and the editor put somebody else on the job of the Cristiano Ronaldo story for the magazine.
I spent several minutes sidetracked by trying to understand how my life all of a sudden became so complicated. It was like I was in high school again. Romance, drama, work, soccer, boys, it was coming together into a plethora of emotions and thoughts battling around inside me like the ongoing war in Iraq. One side rising above the other like an exhausted land ripped plowed apart left to desert ruins. I was reliving high school five years after I thought I would never have to deal with it again.
I meet a hot dude who tells me he loves me and all of a sudden I’m tripping over myself to gather my life back together while simultaneously trying not to look like a complete dork. Is there some sort of second puberty they forgot to teach us in biology?
Feeling as though I had been contemplating these issues for hours I checked my watch again. 11:13am. He was an hour and 13 minutes late. Although, I had spent most of that time remembering the way it felt to be in his arms, to kiss his lips, and only his. No other man has ever made me feel the way Cristiano does. Because no other man ever could. And all we’ve done is kiss. He could keep me here all day and I wouldn’t mind. Well, I’d mind a little, seeing as how there’s nothing better to do than try to figure out my own life. Which, right now, was so complicated I didn’t really want to figure it out.
"Dude, that goal Ronaldo scored was magnificent!" someone behind me said. I whipped my head around to look at the source of the all too familiar and friendly voice that spoke these playful words.
"They caught you on camera staring longingly at him from the sidelines," Leslie, my best friend said. I felt like crying I was so happy to see a familiar face. Especially the face of someone who has been away in Australia for the past six months. Her father is from the UK and leads a crew who have successfully struck oil several times and mother is a former super model from Italy so Leslie can basically do whatever and go wherever she wants.
"I can’t believe you’re here!" I said leaping up out of the chair. I already felt better from the bone crushing accident the night before. I guess its because I had such a great start to my morning. This was just icing the get-well cake! She pulled me in for a long-awaited hug. We leaned away to look at each other. Her long, light brown hair fell around her shoulders in thick layered curls. Her coral lips were curled up into a wry smile and her long eyelashes batted over her deep blue eyes.
"Chives said you were ‘out and about downtown’ and I decided to come and see if I could find you!" she said, her smile broadening. Everything is a game to Leslie.
"I figured this was the best place to look," she continued, her eyes examining the inside of the small coffee shop. "Since this is where you always are. I mean, when you’re not at the games." She gave me a devilish grin and winked softly. "I remember coming here every morning before school to get peppermint hot chocolates. We’d sit right there," she extended a finger in the direction of the table I was just sitting at. "And we’d talk about everything while just sipping away." Her voice trailed off then and a dazed look glazed over her eyes.
"That’s one of my fondest memories," I said, transitioning into flashback mode.
"Mine too," Bonnie said, still dazed.
The bells dangling from the inside of the door soon broke our Kodak moment. The emphatic jingling rang inside my ears and I noticed the astonished look on Leslie’s face. Her eyes were wide and it looked like she was trying to say something but couldn’t quite get the words out. I spun on my heel to face the intruder but instead of some frightening character my gaze fell upon the sight if Cristiano dashing towards us. His gray workout T hugged his torso in all the right places showing off his gorgeous flexing muscles. The scent of espresso was the perfect ally to his perfect body. As he sprinted between the tables and chairs I could see that his expression was that of panic.
He reached out and took my wrist by a tight grip.
"Is that…?" Leslie’s eyes darted from me to Cristiano several times like she was trying to make some kind of connection. I nodded a mix of confused expressions on my face.
"We need to go now, quarida," Cristiano ordered. Something about his tone told me not to ask questions. "They’ve found me."
What? Who? Is he in danger? My stomach lurched at the though of his life possibly being in danger. What was going on? I didn’t think it was possible to feel anymore overwhelmed with confusion than I did before but all of a sudden my brain was doing flips trying to figure things out. Trying to remember back to the game, the car ride, the ferry, the house, who could be a potential threat? Fans maybe?
He yanked me behind him as he continued to jog toward the open back door that lied in a straight line ahead of us.
"You didn’t," Leslie said, still staring at me in awe. I noticed the look on her face and instantly knew what she meant. She though I did Ronaldo. And that’s what I thought this morning when I realized I had no pants on. I shook my head, feeling oddly disappointed by the situation. Is that what I wanted to do last night when he kissed me?
"I’ll call you later!" I shouted to her as we dodged the tables and people and chairs. We passed through the small hallway and Bonnie disappeared out of sight.
Sunlight blinded me and I squinted tightly. This was a drastic change from the dim lighting of the Mudd Puddle Coffee shop. I heard the door shut behind me and put my free arm out to feel around to make sure I didn’t run into anything. My fingers brushed against the metal railing and I slid them along the bar. The railing suddenly disappeared from beneath my fingers and before I could stop myself from stepping out any further the ground disappeared, too.

1 comment:

Madi Williamson said...

wow. that is crazy. i dont want to be chased by a dude that looks like ringo starr