Saturday, October 11, 2008

To Maintain Professionalism: the REMIX

ok, for you loyal followers of my brilliant story about madi and ronaldo, i give you the remix version. see, madi wanted to write her own, so she did. EXCEPT that her story? yeah, its ronaldo's point of view of what happens in MY story! isnt that just PERFECT? seriously, it makes just about the best idea for a book EVER!!! and you know what else? madi and i are going to have it published. oh, don't worry, its not finished yet (far from it actually). ok so whats gonna happen is were gonna what i am puting in this post as is, and madi wrote a whole bunch of stuff that SHE wanted to happen after the morning kiss but see i had already written this AMAZING action/adventure scene but unfortunately i forgot to save it to my computer, and instead i just saved it to my mp3 player which, as you may have read in the "I GOT LAID IN DISNEYLAND" post was stolen by our maid at the hotel. wonderful huh? so i am currently REWRITING what i had already done but this time its more in accordance with what madi added in after what i had written in the morning. so you know how mine ends it with ronaldo saying he'll call her on the telephono? she added a part in from MADDYS point of view where he kisses her so i had to basically change the characters train of thought now that their relationship had changed so much via ronaldo admitting his love for her. so basically, i wrote all the stuff from maddys point of view (except for the tiny thing in the morning) and madi wrote all the stuff from ronaldos point of view. since the thing is so dang long im putting what i rewrote in a different post. NO I THINK EVERYTIME THE CHARACTERS CHANGE POINTS OF VIEW ILL MAKE A NEW POST!!!! genious! if i had a second pair of lips i would kiss myself (not really that would feel too awkward and way out of my comfort zone wich is pretty big if you cosider all the things i say.....................0.0................BUT JUST CAUSE I MAKE SICK JOKES SOMETIMES DOESNT MEAN I SHOULD GO OUT WITH LINCOLN THE WORLDS BIGGEST PERV!!!! madi makes just as many sick jokes as i do and sometimes they are even worse than mine so i could say the same about her! that she should date lincoln, i mean. but i wont because im not that mean) anyway, enjoy. also madi said that ronaldo "sounded too much like a dumbass" in my story seeing as how english is his third or second language or whatever in any case he speaks it perfect and i didnt know that until after i had written it so madi went and changed some of his words around so he sounds less of an eleged "dumbass". weve decided to put my continuing story that takes place after the morning kiss in where it currently lies and then put what madi wrote after the morning kiss at the end and she is still writing and from i heard last now has 28 or 29 pages. were gonna end the book with, well i dont wanna give it away too soon. anyway here it is................this is from ronaldos point of view, just to let you know.

I left the changing room, the tunnel was buzzing with new players that had been benched all season. The young guys, 18, 19, there was even a seventeen-year-old thrown in the mix. For once, I was the elder, the guy everyone looked up too, the one all the fans cheered for, the one… who is THAT? Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a girl, a reporter. I peaked over my teammate to catch a glance at her nametag, Maddy Keller, I’ve heard that name. Oh yeah, she was going to be interviewing me after the game. Right. Man, she was HOT! Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and her cute little brow frowned in concentration as she scribbled away on her writing pad. All of a sudden she glanced up, she looked at me and her eyes met mine. I quickly looked out at the field from the tunnel but it was too late, she had already spotted me. She put her writing pad in her bag and set it down on the cement floor. She walked over too me and I self-concisely straightened my captain’s armband.
"Are you Cristiano Ronaldo?" She asked her voice was like a spell, entwining me in its sweet tone. "Uh, yeah," I said straightening up and pulling my jersey down over my shorts. She glanced at my shoulder. "Captain huh? Impressive. Have you ever played at Quest Field before?" I looked at her. It was her job to ask people questions, but did she really care? Why am I so shy? I asked myself, your known for being the hottest and most romantic footballer after all, why not flaunt it?
"No, I actually have never been to Seattle at all, are you from around here? I hear Seattle girls are good at fashion." Oh yeah, Mr. Smooth, ‘good at fashion’ how lame! She giggled, "I suppose we are quite fashionable!" she said glancing down at her shirt. Man, she got hotter every second! "I’m Maddy Keller, I write articles about soc- er, football in America. I think I have an interview dinner with you after the game." She stuttered, my charm was working! "Well, dinner after the game sound great to me, where should we meet?" I asked. "Uh, I guess we could meet at my house, my friend makes some killer Italian food. How does six sound?"
Uh, dinner interview with the hottest girl I’ve seen on this whole trip? Possibly in my whole life? Count me in! "Six sounds great, I’ll meet you in here at half time, most likely we’ll be ahead." I gave her a wink and ducked under the awning to the field, the crowd erupted with cheers and applause as I stepped out onto the pitch, swinging my arms and shaking my head. I had to clear all thoughts of this evening out of my head so I could concentrate. After playing the National Anthem for the Untied States, the ref tossed the coin to determine kickoff. I called heads. The captain of Seattle Sounders called tails. It was heads, a good sign. I took my position as left forward; we were playing a simple four-four-two formation, not including the goalie. I looked up as my best friend and colleague, Wayne Rooney. I tried to hide my face, he was usually the first one to notice if things (girls) were on my mind.
The ref’s whistle blew and I kicked the ball to Wayne and ran down the left side of the field, a midfielder hot on my tail. I fought him to find an open space, pushing and shoving, I passed the ball back to one of my defenders. "Play it easy guys, don’t rush into it!" I yelled as I kicked the ball. The ball circulated in our half of the field, Seattle Sounders made a few runs on goal, easily stopped by our defense. At the fifth minute, the ref blew his whistle to stop play, I sneaked a glance at the sidelines where Maddy was talking with my manager, Sir Alex Ferguson. She nodded her head every once and a while and she scribbled away in her black spiral notebook. The ref continued play and the ball was given in our favor. The defender kicked the ball to Wayne and he sprinted forward with it. I saw the opportunity and seized it. I sprinted forward, positioning myself between Seattle’s weakest defenders; if Wayne chipped the ball into the middle of the box I could run in and finish it, brilliant. "Wayne!" I yelled running in at my fastest speed, getting from the halfway line to the edge of the box in only a few seconds. Wayne saw what I saw, he chipped the ball and it sailed perfectly past two defenders and right to my feet. I caught it on the volley and shot, the ball sailed perfectly into the corner of the net, there was no way the goalie could have seen that one coming! The crowd cheered as me and Wayne sprinted around the corner of the field, our hearts soaring. The crowd cheered, cameras flashed and my happy, sweaty team mates pilled on me. I caught a glance over at the side lines and I saw Maddy standing with Sir Alex, her face was lit up by the most beautiful smile I had ever seen in my entire life.
At half time, we were ahead, two nil, just as I had told Maddy. As I walked off the field, I grabbed a water bottle from the sidelines. Maddy was waiting for me just inside the tunnel a few feet away from the locker room; she was talking to all of the players, her eyes shining. When she saw me approach she straightened up and her eyes grew wistful, fascinated and intrigued. "How did you enjoy the first half?" I asked her.
"That goal you scored was amazing!" she cried, the excitement had been flung back into her twinkling eyes. "I saw what you were trying to choreograph with Wayne and it was a true work of art!" I fidgeted, Sir Alex would want me in the locker room soon, I was the captain after all. "So dinner, I have no idea where you live." I said, smiling at her. "Oh, yeah, um ok, dinner, so do you want directions or my address or what?" she asked. She looked lost and blinded by love, just what I wanted. "You can just give me your address, I have GPS in my rental car." I, was not a good driver to begin with and driving on the right side of the road was not going to help. "Yeah, OK, there’s sort of a problem though," "What?" I asked, curious.
"I don’t live in Seattle, I live on Bainbridge Island, you have to take the ferry to get there. I have a bunch of car tickets in my wallet; I’ll have to give you a few." She paused, looking thoughtful. "However, I have to stop into the office and give Mel the pictures and by then he would…." Her voice had faded and she was thinking, her brow doing that cute little frown again. "I think we should just meet on the ferry and I can hitch a ride with someone or something."
"I can give you a ride." I offered. Oh great Cristiano, just another chance to show off you amazing driving skills. "You really don’t mind?" she sounded doubtful. "Of course, we can listen to music and you can get a head start on the interview." At that moment, the assistant health official came running out of the locker room door. "Cristiano! We need you in the locker room c’mon!" she looked at me "I thought you were going to change jerseys." Oh yeah, I was and what would be a better time to do that than now? I grasped the thin material between my fingers and pulled that bad boy up and over my head. The cold air hit my skin and I almost wished I had waited until I was in the warm locker room. I looked out of the tunnel and over the field, rain was starting too fall and the wind was picking up. Looks like the weather here is just like Manchester’s, rain, rain and rain. I turned to Maddy, her eyes penetrated mine and she looked like she had just seen a god! "Here," I said handing her the jersey. "Its lucky number seven, it should bring you good luck." I winked at her and then walked into the locker room after the health official, leaving her, mouth wide open, standing in the tunnel, gripping the jersey she would treasure forever.
As the second half progressed, I made a few runs up and down the field, since we switched sides for the second half, I was now running along the line of our bench. Maddy had made herself at home between two of the health officials and was snapping pictures and writing on her notepad. Every once and a while, she would glance up and look around for me. I would then yell some necessary comment to the player with the ball, wink at her on the sidelines and then continue running back and forth up and down the field. Around the 70th minute, the Sounders netted one on a penalty. Sir Alex called me over to the side lines.
"What is wrong with you?" he whispered loudly in my ear as he clapped me on the back. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You have been flirting and shaking it all over the field this whole game. I have no idea who you are trying to pick up here but whatever you do keep you head in the goddamn game!" I knew better than to argue with the manager, he laid down the rules, I followed them, it was that simple.
I jogged back onto the field, feeling a bit sheepish. As I took my position, Wayne ran up to me. "The manager isn’t the only one who thinks your being cheeky!" he said, grinning at me. "So it’s working huh?"
"I look like a total flirt?"
Wayne looked at me, his eyes wide in surprise. "Who are you trying to pick up?" he asked "HEY!" a scream erupted from one of our defenders, the ball rolled towards me and I kicked it to Wayne. I watched as the ‘Rooney’ printed on the back of his shirt bobbed down the field. He lost the ball and there was a corner in our favor. We missed it. The loudspeaker announced that there would be three minutes of added time. I rolled my eyes, the last thing I felt like doing was running around a filed looking important when it was perfectly clear we were going to win. I jogged up and down the line once again and waited for the ball to roll to my feet. As our defender progressed forward I ran back down the line, man, that kid could run! He would not stop either, he had made it to the edge of the box, I ran forward between two Sounders defenders, hoping he would look up and see me. He did. He kicked the ball right too me and I nailed it hard with the inside of my foot. It flew past the goalie and into the top left corner of the goal. The crowd erupted with cheers again as the ref’s whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. Everyone cheered and screamed as me and my happy, sweaty teammates piled onto each other again. Hugging and yelling with glee. Sir Alex signaled for us to shake hands, trade jerseys and get off the field. So we did. I congratulated the wide-eyed players on a game well played and traded my jersey for the Sounders’ captain’s jersey and then headed for the locker room.
The locker room was madness, for most of the young players it had been their first game in front of a full stadium. They excitedly talked about the game highlights and who was going where after the game. "Cristiano, you want to go to the bar across the street? All of the Sounders player recommended it!" I looked over at the excited group. "No, I have other plans." I said, shaking my head. "What else do you intend to do on your last night in town?"
I thought. Should I tell them I have a dinner interview? A date? They all know about my girlfriend, she was amazing, a model, smart and really beautiful. Would they believe me? "Uh, well this reporter I met here told me that Bainbridge Island has some uh, good restaurants. So I was going to go check them out." The whole locker room went quiet. Most of these guys have known me since I came to Manchester Untied. They all know me pretty well. Out of all of the staff on the whole team, Wayne, Sir Alex and the two health officials know me best. I looked over at them, their mouths were open and there eyes were wide. You could say I’m the kind of guy that likes a party, anywhere.
"Besides, half of you guys can’t drink anyway so I figured I would just do my own thing so you guys don’t have to worry." Oh yeah, like they worry about me. "Well," one of our new defenders started, "How about we all just go to this Baimbidge Island place and see if this reported knows what he’s talking about huh?" cheers of agreement echoed off the cement walls of the dressing room. This was bad. "Well, I wouldn’t want to wreck your guy’s last day here, don’t worry about me."
I bent down to cut the athletic tape off my ankle and threw my shorts in my bag. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and headed for the door, "See you guys!" I called and I walked out into the hallway. As I neared the back exit I heard voices, turning a corner, I spotted Maddy talking with one of our assistant coaches, Steve. She looked up as I approached and smiled at me. Steve turned around and grinned as he saw me coming. "Good game Cristiano!" he said. "That goal in the last minute, amazing! I’m sure you and Miss Keller here will have quite a bit to discuss in your interview!" he clapped me on the back, winked at Maddy and walked away. "So," she said "You want to head to the ferry?" I looked around to see if there was anyone watching. "Sure," I said "I parked my rental down the block." We headed out the door and walked down the streets. The rain had stopped but the clouds still covered the sun. It would be setting soon anyway.
I love traveling to foreign cities, especially American ones, the paparazzi and fans usually leave me alone. As we reached the rental I dug the car keys out of my pocket and unlocked the doors. Maddy climbed into the front seat as I threw my game bag in the trunk. I walked out onto the road and hopped into the driver’s seat. As we drove along the streets, I was intrigued with the new sights and sounds. "When you get to the viaduct, turn right." Maddy muttered. What did she say? "What?" I asked "When you get to the overpass, take a right at the stoplight." She said again. We neared the overpass and I took a right. Maddy started digging around in her purse for something, she retrieved two slips of paper. "Here." She said, handing them to me. "The orange one is the car and the green is passenger, just hand them to the person at the tollbooth." We pulled up to the tollbooth and I rolled down my window. The lady at the ticket window extended her hand and took the tickets. "One off of each please!" Maddy said from the passenger seat. "Okay honey. Hey, you kids go to the soccer game?" she asked. I looked down at my shirt and realized I was wearing my training jacket with the Manchester United patch clearly visible. "Uh, yeah, we did." I said, smiling. "A visiting team too!" Maddy chirped from the seat next to me. "Huh, I was never big on soccer but a visiting team, how exciting. My son loves European soccer, he watches Spanish league with his dad on the weekends." The cash register whirred as it printed the receipt. "Here you go, you kids have a nice ride." She said. We thanked her and drove around into the next empty ferry lane.
"So," Maddy said. "That was a close one huh? I was sure she recognized you!" I had been thinking the same thing. Don’t they say true soul mate share each others thoughts? "Yeah, especially with my training jacket on!" I said.
"Well, the ferry ride is about thirty minutes so if you want a book or something there’s a newsstand upstairs. They sell everything, you have like, ten minutes anyway." I thought about it, there were chances that someone might spot me. I decided not to take the chance and sat back, I had a ‘World Soccer’ magazine in my training bag anyway. "I think I’ll go change. I have some extra clothes in my duffel anyway." "When are you leaving Seattle?" Maddy asked, looking at me. "Tomorrow morning. I have an early flight."
"Ok, you can go do whatever, I don’t mind." Was that disappointment in her voice? Was she sad that I was leaving as soon as tomorrow? I didn’t feel like thinking about it, instead I opened my car door and popped the trunk. "I’ll be right back." I said.
I grabbed my duffel from the trunk and pulled out black dress pants and my favorite sports jacket. "Cristiano." Maddy called from the passenger seat. "The bathroom in the terminal is cleaner than the one in McDonalds."
The ferry was very enjoyable. I sat in the car while Maddy ran upstairs to buy us tea. As we sat in the car, me reading my World Soccer and Maddy reviewing her interview notes, I thought of a good way to start a conversation. Maddy was tense, her brow wrinkled in that cute way as she clicked away on her laptop. "How big is Bainbridge?" I asked. At the time I was just trying to bring up a topic of conversation but as we got into it I got more and more interested. "Its twenty miles long, five miles wide or something like that." Maddy replied, looking up from her computer screen. "We have a really strong soccer academy. The manager of the whole thing is my neighbor."
"Wow, cool, do you play?" I realized I actually had no idea weather or not this girl actually played soccer. With the amazing knowledge she has of it, I just assumed she played regularly. "I used too. I got injured and now I just play pick-up at Battle Point Park." She started to unbutton her shirt; I had no idea what she was doing. I watched her, wide-eyed as she pulled the fabric aside. She had a large bruise on her chest, below her shoulder and above her armpit. I could see the lace of her bra, it was sexy. I decided to make a move. "Where did you get that?" I asked looking at her bra but pretending to look at her shoulder. "I got elbowed by my friend. We were wrestling." "You wrestle?" I asked, surprised that a slightly petite girl could stand a chance against anyone bigger than her. "Yeah, um, I wrestled all through high school with my guyfriends, we went to state finals in my senior year." I was impressed. I always thought female wrestling was a turnoff, but all of a sudden it was the hottest thing I could think of (who needs a wet-shirt contest?) she started buttoning her shirt again and I looked out the window at the water, we were nearing a point with a U.S. flag waving from it. We passed a dock with a pirate flag and one with a slide before the lady come on the loudspeaker to inform us that we have arrived at our destination. I have heard that in at least ten different languages. I started the engine to the car and we drove off the ferry. Maddy gave me directions to her house. It had stopped raining and the clouds had cleared, it was a perfect summer evening and the stars were out. I opened the convertible roof as we sat at a red light and flicked on my ipod. Romantic music was all I listened too. I saw Maddy smile out of the corner of my eye as we progressed further down the road.
Maddy’s directions led me to a long, wooded drive. The gravel crunched under the tires as we drove further into the woods. We pulled up to a large iron gate. There were steel horses running across the iron bars. Maddy un-strapped her safety belt and opened the car door. She walked over to the gate, undid the latch and swung it open. It creaked as it opened and she hopped back in the car. As we drove up to her house, I was in awe. You could see the beach beyond a huge green lawn and a well tended too garden. The house was Italian stone, beautifully crafted. The entrance was a stone archway and then two large wood doors. In front there was a fountain, a small garden and a garage. On the other side of the garage, I heard barking. "I hope you don’t mind dogs." Maddy said as we drove up to the house. I turned off the engine and opened my door. "This place it beautiful." I said. I blinked to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. I went from suburbia to this huge Italian mansion right on the beach!
"Come on in." Maddy called, waving me to the front door. As she neared it, the door flew open and a nicely dressed man stepped out. "Hi Chives!" Maddy cried, giving the old man a hug. "Cristiano, this is my friend and butler, Chives. He has worked for my family for as long as I can remember."
"Since she was a little girl." Chives said, smiling. I smiled back. No wonder Maddy was such a cool person. Even her butler was nice! They both beckoned me inside. I stepped through the threshold of the big wood doors and could not believe my eyes. The floor was marble, a huge staircase extended up both walls of the entry. Straight ahead there was a small parlor that overlooked the ocean. As we walked down the hall, an amazing smell wafted from the kitchen. Italian sauces and bread and spices filled my nose, it was hypnotizing. "Do you want to go to the dining room?" Maddy asked. I looked over at her; she was fiddling with her shirt button. "Yes. We can start on the interview."

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