Friday, October 10, 2008

I GOT LAID IN DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

once again, the title of the post is the title of the mass email i sent. MY FINAL DISNEY UPDATE!!!!

WOW ok so please bear with me i am taking all the time in the world to write this for you because it is important that you know what you guys missed and i just love telling stories. order to save time i am goingto be lazy and use some emails i sent people to help recap the most amazing time ever the first one is about splash mountain

yeah on thursday nioght we went on it three times in a row didnt even have to get off i sat in front each time got water in my mouth smelled bad from the yucky recycled water and there wasnt an inch of my body that wasnt drenched in water. everyone was laughing at me when i turned around after the two hills in the dark and it looked like i went for a swim in my clothes my hair was all wet and frizzing up not to mention it was cold and dark out so i did NOT dry off.......................but it was fun. derek kept teasing me saying "yeah i could see this huge wall of water come up over the front of the boat and right onto your head" i hate him.

next is the weirdest thing ever i sended it to a buddy about his and meggerses gifts buts i cans gives him chocolates from zhe BLUE BAILOU that be what i ams giving my teachers

oh my god i got you this totally cool robinhood pin hes standing on this rocktype thing but youll never believe what happened it was in this disney bag along with my mp3 player and meghans present too and the weirdest thing happened so i left on the nightstand in the morning after listening to my mp3 player through the night cause i cant sleep without music or i get ensemnia but thats a story for another time anyway i put it back in the bag-with the headphones still attached-and put the bag on the top of the nightstand and this was friday OUR LAST DAY IN DISNEYLAND and that night when i went to get my mp3 player the bag was gone and all that was left was the headphones attached to nothing just sitting there on the middle of the nightstand and we reported it missing saturday morning before we left for breakfast (we left our bags and would come pick them up after breakfast) but when we got back to load our bags onto the shuttle no one had seen it and i couldnt go back into disneyland or we would miss our flight and i didnt sleep at allfriday night cause i felt so bad about losing yours and meghans gifts and plus i had no music to listen to just my moms snoring which is very loud i could hear it even with three pillows covering my ears so yeah im really really really really really really erally really really erally reallly really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry but i can get you something from alaska how about that? next year were going on a cruise to alaska instead of our yearly disneyland trip so yeah how about that? im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so sososossosososososososososososososososososososoooooooooooooooooooo sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then on saturday the shermans and i went on the grizzly rapids and i stayed mostly dry the first two times but on the third time i was really sleepy and i was basically asleep on danettes shoulder and then we plunge down this waterfall spinning around violently in a cirlcle and im sqeezing danettes arm and still laying against her she ducks which causes both of us the go forward and this huge mountain of water comes up behind only the two of us and goes all over my back down my shirt down my pants all over my head and i was reliving the splash mountain thing and once again the water got all in my mouth and the hair that i spent half an hour that morning straightening was completely drenched in icky yucky recycled dirty water. so danette and me and devin who was on the left of me on the ride that last time went back to the hotel cause it was cold out i mean there was no sun and a lot of clouds and we were more wet than anyone in the whole park so we went back and took showers and got vegetarian pizza and i put ground red pepper on my slice it was tasty but i still didnt notice the missing bag untill that night anyway by the time we had changed into dry clothes it was getting dark out and we made just in time to get stopped on mainstreet and we had to wait here and we did and the parade started and we basically had front row seats the parade and we got to see it right as it was coming through the doors it was awesome. it was sparkely i liked it.THEN we waited in line for space mountain but got in line behind a huge croud so what said 35 minutes wait when we got in line changed to a 60 minute wait but we couldnt see the numbers change cause we were already in line. BUT we had the best entertainment EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously we had the singing garbonso brothers behind us i mean they were good and they sang the entire soundtrack to the lion king and THEN this totally hot BRUNETTE thank you very much see brunette guys are sexi too!!! and i have proof!! sort of. anyway. this guy gets out of the line and hes got on a yellow shirt and dark skinny jeans and skate shoes and a spider man cape and these totally hot light up sunglasses and he goes out into this huge vaient circle of platform that is surronded by the line for space mountain and he just starts dancing. oh, not normal dancing, noooooo. he looked like he was having a siezure i mean he was either high or drunk or something i dont know but it was funny and there wasnt any music either and then his buddy comes along this guy is a blond and im not saying this to be mean im saying it cause its the truth he was not as hot as the other guy but still pretty sexi anyway he had on one of those light up neclaces with the mirrors that make it look like the lights are going into a tunnel its so cool anyway he starts dancing with him or siezing or whatever you want to call it and these guys are 15 maybe 16 either way it was totally funny and weirdly attractive. i guess thats just cause i like people who are totally crazy and do whatever they want. well as long as they have the good looks to get away with it i mean. anyway everybody had their cameras and phones out and they wer snapping pictures and calling everybody they know to tell them and the three drunken 21 year old garbonso brothers were singing about how crazy those guys were and finally one of the ride workers who is like maybe three years older than they are comes out and tells them that they have to stop dancing cause the entertainment on the platform has to be made by people employed by disney so the hot brunette goes "THANK YOU ALL THANK YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN A GREAT AUDIENCE LOVE YOU ALL!" it was so sparkely and AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!OOOOOH OHOHOHOHOHOH!!! BUT while they were still dancing (which they did for a good 20 minutes) i looked down at devin and said "see, this is why you should never do drugs"viki and derek heard me and they just started cracking up although i just chuckled which is very unlikely of me ever to do again since its not something im used to doing normally i have laugh attacks but you all know that. anywho.

AND NOW THE MOMENT YOUVE ALLLLLLLL BEEN WAITING FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW I GOT LAID IN DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yesturday before we got on the plane we went to this character breakfast thing its like goofy's kitchen only all the food at the buffet is hawaiian and its for LILO AND STITCH!!!!!!!!!! A DREAM COME TRUE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my parents surprised me with it. so you guys know how i have the collection of like 30+ stitch pins? i had to leave them at home cause i didnt want to lose any BUT we went into the shop next door and there were no pins there except for this one spinny rack thing of stitch pins celebrating the lilo and stitch breakfast and i got three new stitch pins on one he moves he is pretending to be a frog and hes playing leap frog with a real frog on another one hes gathering some sorce of power together and theres this orb looking bobble thing that changes colors with your mood when you tough it and he looks all evil and it says "my mood? BAD TO THE BONE" cause stitch loves elvis you know? and on the other omg i love this one its so cute stitch is riding the Matterhorn Bobsleds and hes dressed up in the sweedish shorts overalls and hes got the green hat with the feather in it and he is throwing snowballs at the yeti and the snow ball moves from his hand to the cave its so funny anyway so i get lilos autograph and i notice that all the people have lays but i dont you know the plastic colored hawaiian lays? and i wanted a lay so after like an hour of being there getting autographs and eating and laughing i feel ssomething on my head and these purple lays come down around my neck and i look back and lilo is there and shes like yay and im like yay well not her but person inside her costume and stuff anyway thats how i got laid in disneyLAID as it is called according to madi lol LOVE YOU GUYS IM HOME NOW AND WHEN I GOT HERE I CHECKED MY EMAIL AND I HAD 32 UNREAD EMAILS HOPE YOUR ALL HAPPY DOING WHATEVER YOUR DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish you could have been there!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your support and glad you like the dancing! we're there every friday! :p