Saturday, October 11, 2008

No pants on me, baby!

ok this is the part i wrote. you know the under the title about zues? the last paragraph is what madi wrote. the stuff after ronaldo says he'll call her on the telephono. about the finding of love and the kiss and all that. its probably the funniest part ofthe whole story though, youll see what i mean when you read it.
I awoke the next morning to the sight of Chives puttering around in the hallway. I was in my bed. How did I get here? Cristiano must have carried me into my room last night after…"Chives!" I hollered.
"Coming, Madame!" he hollered back in his British accent.Just another one-night-stand, I thought to myself. Except I didn’t remember anything after he fell one me. Was it a one-night-stand? He probably got bored with my clumsiness and left for Manchester early. Anything to get away from me, the world’s biggest klutz when it comes to…well…him. Just him. I had never humiliated myself in font of any guy the way I screwed up my life last night.
"Yes, Madame?" Chives asked when he arrived at my bedside. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand. I had about an hour before I needed to leave for work, which meant I had less than an hour to write up a review of "My Dinner With Ronaldo" which was, I decided, going to be the title of my piece in the sports section. Of course, it would be nothing like what happened last night. Mainly because I couldn’t remember what had happened last night.
"Mr. Ronaldo boarded his flight safely, I presume?" I asked rolling onto my back.
"What you make for breakfast?" a deep voice hollered from the bathroom to the left of my bead. I rolled all the way over to see a black pants suit lain out to left of me on my bed.
Chives smiled. "Actually, Madame, he lay beside you all night to make sure you were alright. He had to give you mouth-to-mouth, but eventually you started breathing. You never woke up, though."
OH MY GOD! He cared! He cared enough to make sure I was alive! And he gave me the kiss of life! What’s more romantic than that? Probably a lot of things. But for now, it was the next best thing. Cristiano’s lean, muscular body stepped through the bathroom door, steam rising off of his skin. With his short is short hair sticking straight up, still wet from his shower, and one of my guest towels wrapped around his waist, he looked even hotter than he did last night. I could have jumped on him and started kissing him all over. I moved to do get up, but searing pain shot through my chest, and it felt like a hippo was laying on me.
"Good morning, quarida," he said, darting over to the bed. The steam coming out of the bathroom could have passed for clouds because you know what he looked like? A Greek God. Not just any Greek God, but Zeus, the king of the Gods.I was speechless. I couldn’t bear this hippopotamus of a chest ache any longer and instantly fell back onto the bed.
"Not feeling better?" he asked, sitting down on the bed next to me. He stroked my forehead with the backs of his fingers, brushing against my hair. "Ronaldo make pretty girl feel better."
For a second I thought it was me mind reviewing those words again, but no! He had actually said them! Hold on. Where was he going with this?
"If you can move today," he said, smiling. "You must go on date with me."
My heart nearly broke free from my chest at the thought of spending another day with him, it was beating so fast.
"Oh," I said remembering one tiny problem. "I wouldn’t want you to miss your flight, though."
"I’ll worry about flying later," he said matter-of-factly. "Today I spend time making pretty broken girl better."Yay! I wanted to leap up and sing, I was so happy! But if I did, Cristiano would probably have hit me over the head with a frying pan and told me shut up. Then leave for Manchester and forget all about our date. I wouldn't have been able to leap anyway, let alone even stand up.
"What time works best for you?" he asked.
"Anytime," I said, forgetting completely about work.
"Good," he said with a devilish grin. "I call you then. On the telephono."
I grinned and reached down to pull out a piece of scratch paper from my pocket but as you can imagine its not easy getting something from your pants pocket when your pants aren’t on. I felt bare skin. Just mine, no pants on me baby! Ronaldo smiled sheepishly and Chives turned red as a tomato and left the room. "Um, where are my pants?" I asked, trying to keep from screaming with embarrassment and pleasure and romance all at the same time. "You were in really bad shape last night and I didn’t want you to get over heated so I took them off for you." Cristiano told me this like he was telling me the weather. "I took you outside, Quarida. You were sweating and I thought you would catch a fever. I am sorry." Sorry? Sorry? Dang fool that was the most romantic thing I had heard all day! It even outdid the kiss of life! I smiled. "You did that for me?" he looked back, clearly knowing now that he was forgiven. "Yes, I was worried about you and you know what? I think I love you." He said folding his arms across his wet and bare chest. Love? LOVE??? OMG THIS WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! He loved me. he said it! Surly I must be dreaming. I pinched my leg under the covers, ouch! Uh, yeah this is no dream! Cristiano must have spotted me pinching myself because he smiled. "You think this is a dream too?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied, nodding and smiling. "You aren’t the only one." My smile broadened and I sat up, ignoring the pain in my chest and I swung my arms around him and we kissed. A kiss almost as good as the first one, but this kiss had an explanation, it defined something. It defined the finding of love.

madi came up to me during math the after she sent the story with that paragraph in it to me and sat down in the empty seet at the table group next to me and said something about the story but i cant remember what. then she said "yeah," and started to read from the pages she had printed off her computer the night before. "I grinned and reached down to pull out a piece of scratch paper from my pocket but as you can imagine its not easy getting something from your pants pocket when your pants aren’t on!" i nearly peed my pants at that it was so funny.

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