Friday, October 10, 2008

second day of disney i luvs you all

this is the first email i sent people (the title is the title of the email i sent):

i hope you all know that you cleaning me almost completely out of mycash what was $160 when i GOT here is now about 30.but that's not what i wanted to tell you. i wanted to tell you allanout the best day of my trip so far. i wanted to ride autopia but mydad had to take my mom to first aid so w nt alone and right in frontof me was this gorgeous creature better looking than any guy my age hewas sooooo sexi. and friends i learned a lesson. see, i could tellright off the bat that he was a total ladies man. and he was me. so we started talking and i found out that he was 14 ineighth grade and you know what else? he was blond. blond, shaggy hairthat draped over his left eye much like my brunette bangs do. and hewas totally nice. and in that moment i realized something: i haveprejudiced to blonds. all my life i would watch movies and tv and sehow all the hot blond chicks would go for the blond guys and i didn'tthink it was fair to us brunettes. so i refused to like blonds(mostly) because i didn't want to be prejudiced to brunettes but inreality i was just being prejudiced to blonds!!!!!! andi feelterrible about it. so to all my blond friends guys and girls: I AM SOSORRY!!!! YOU ARE ALL SEXI AND DESERVE THE BEST IN LIFE JUST LIKEEVERYBODY ELSE NO MATTER WHAT US PREVIOUS BLOND HATERS THINK. i amhappy to say, i no longer think that way. im proud of my progress howabout you? anyway, it gets better. and you guys are going to fall outof your chairs laughing so hard it is such a weird twist. "so whereare you from?" I asked. "Idaho" he said. oh my god do you guys seewhere this is going? the blond hair, the idaho, AND DID I MENTION HEWAS WEARING A RED T SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW FREAKY IS THAT!!!! "Howabout you?" he asked. "Seattle." i said anticipating his next move."oh i went to seattle once. it was cold." HOLY SHINNANIGAN DO SEE???DO YOU SEE WHY I WAS ABOUT READY TO SCREAM. "any chance you wentthere on a feild trip?" i had to ask. BECAUSE OF THE WAY THIS WASTURNING OUT ANYTHING COULD BE POSSIBLE!!!! "no, actually it was atrip with my soccar team." WELL I WAS CLOSE!!!! i mean come on youguys, mayb ewe could have gotten it wrong! i mean seriously, the buson the ferry was an actual travel bus not a school bus and the licenseplate said idaho. at that point i almost went "hi im lafaunduh,remember me and my crazy retarded friends on the ferry boat fromseattle to bainbridge? by the way IS YOUR NAME JIMMY????????" butinstead i went "well i lied. im from bainbridge. its just that mostpeople have never heard of bainbridge but like everybodies heard ofseattle." then i realized i hadnt gotten his name. "Im lainey, bythe way." i said holding out my which i never do because normally igive hugs when i greet people but i have no idea why i just shook hishand. freaky. i so expected him to go "oh yeah im jimmy didn't i seeyou on the fe ry boat a few months ago? didn't your friends follow melike shadows the whole time? if so, please Leave, you are a creep." but he went "sam" and he shook my hand with a chuckle and i realizedmy palms were sweating like crazy. sob i so expected him to Be jimmyyou have no idea. but anyway. when we got up to the front of the linehe was in front of me and when the guy asked how many he said "two"and i was too much of a daze process thought i felt like that twilightcartoon "he is sparkly i wants to do him" lol jk jk jklolololololololol but then he said "i suck at driving and I've neverbeen on this ride before, would you mind drivin?" or something likethat i was too busy staring at his gorgeous hair (because you all knowhow big a freak i am when it comes to hair) i just remember himsaying he was bad and asking me to drive so COMPLETELY FORGETTING HOWMUCH I SUCK AT THIS RIDE i said yeah. so every two seconds it was"crap crap crap OW crap im sooooo sorry crap OW crap jesus christ imgoing to kill us oh my god this thing is retarded!" and he just keptlaughing at me i felt so bad. but yeah thought you guys would get akick out of that and OMG GUESS WHO I SAW TODAY AS WE WERE DITCHINGPIRATES CAUSE IT WAS A TWO HOUR WAIT CAUSE THE RIDE WASMALFUNCTIONING!!!!! brenton miller! Madi caitlin and ashley you guysremember me calling you this morning and i was like "you guys i sawthis guy who looks just luke brenton yesterday on mainstreet i walkedright by him and would have said something but i wasn't sure. any ideaif he's in disneyland right now?" and you guys were like um no he'snot in any of my classes i don't know. well we were walking out of te line there he was with his family and im like "BRENTON! BRENTONMILLER!!!!!!" and he looked over and he's like hi! and we hugged andim like "I KNEW YOU WERE HERE I SAW YOU YESTERDAY ON MAINSTREET BUT IWASN'T SURE IT WAS YOU!!!" and then i asked where they were headedand they said "pirates" and im like "uh No your not pirates iscloseduction for two hours" and they're like really? and then my momstarted naming off all the rides that were closed it was funny. heand his fam are leaving monday i think. im leaving saturday so sadlyill miss the dance derby but you have to admit that disneyland ispretty good alternative lol i luvs you and hope are having fun not indisneyland with me and brenton lol that was like when a hkey ran intoscott wyman in hawaii FREAKY

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