Saturday, October 11, 2008

Possible Romanticism

this is ronaldo taking action when the love of his life faints on him. romantic, huh?

This was bad. The hottest girl I had ever met or loved was unconscious in my arms. I always thought something like this was romantic, but this was far from it. The butler had gone back to the kitchen and must have heard the noise because he came running onto the balcony, red faced. "Lay her down on the floor." He said. All of a sudden I remembered the CPR training I had taken at the beginning of the summer. At the time I had blown them off as a stupid idea but when the love of your life is lying knocked out on the balcony of her house, it seems like a good idea. I was still collecting myself from our kiss. She had fainted. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? When I give girls kisses in the past they either got into it and we took it somewhere else or the screamed and then we took it somewhere else. They had never fainted before. I leaned down and placed my lips in hers. I help her nose shut and breathed into her mouth.
You know its bad to be performing CPR in the first place but if it’s the fifth time you’ve tried and she’s still not breathing its gone from bad to worse. After the sixth attempt, I heard her gasp. Her eyelids fluttered open for a moment then her eyes closed again. At least she was breathing. I knew that if it took at least five tries to get her to breathe then it was going to be a long night. I looked at the butler "Should we take her to bed?’ I asked, looking up. He nodded his head and stood up. I bent down and picked Maddy up. She was fairly light but I was worried about hitting her head into something on the way up. Chives helped me maneuver her through the doorway into the house, up the stairs, down a hallway and into a large bedroom. Even though the room was on the second floor, I figures the house had been built on a hill because the beach was right outside her door. She had a large bed with fine satin sheets. There was a black and white chair in the corner, similar too one I had at home. The huge French doors opened up to a stunning view of the beach, then the city. The lights twinkled and for a second I grew homesick. Maddy muttered something under her breath and I looked down. She was still asleep but breathing. I laid her down on her bed, her long brown hair cascading over the pillows. I looked up at Chives. "I can take it from here, I think she’s going to be all right." Chives nodded, wished me a good night and left the room, gently closing the door behind him. I looked down at Maddy. Her brow was sweaty. She must be hot in that long sleeve shirt and those thick pants. Oh dear. I was suddenly tempted to help her by taking them off for her and then tucking her in and trying to convince her that she had done it herself and she just didn’t remember. I then considered leaving them on and taking the chance of her getting over heated. I went with plan A. I first opened the huge French doors, letting a cool summer breeze drift in, ruffling Maddy’s hair gently. I walked over too her. She had not moved, but her chest was rising and falling steadily. At least she was breathing. I reached down and started unbuttoning her shirt, careful not to wake her. I let the fabric flutter open on its own and reached down to unbutton her pants (I might add that I don’t usually undress unconscious girls but this one needed help). She was wearing a matching bra and panty set. Unfortunately, both were quite skimpy. Ok, very skimpy. I had never seen a lower cut pair of underwear in my life. I carefully turned down the sheets on the opposite side of the bed. I lifted her off the comforter and placed her on the satin sheets. She sank into the pillows and stirred but did not wake. I carefully folded the top sheet over her torso and then turned to survey the situation. Chives had brought my duffel into the room already. I had no clue why he thought I would be staying, let alone in Maddy’s room. I walked over to door, tasting the salty air. Fresh air would do her good. I thought, looking back to where Maddy lay on her bed. She looked so peaceful but her brow still had a small bead of sweat. I walked back through the door, took the top sheet off the bed and walked outside. I lay the sheet down on the lawn just outside her window. I could hear the waves crashing against the sandy shores of the beach. Walking back towards the bed, I removed my own shirt, I had worked up a sweat lifting Maddy and I never really had a chance to cool off after the game. I lifted Maddy up. Her skin was soft against mine, and my heart quickened. She was so beautiful, even when she was unconscious. I carried her out too the sheet and laid her down once again on the soft grass. The sound of the ocean and of the breeze rustling the tree branches was perfect. I lay down next to her, feeling her soft skin. As the breeze picked up and rustled the branches again, Maddy shivered. I wrapped my arms around her and held her. Hoping she would be OK. Her eyelids fluttered open and she looked at me. "Its all right Quarida, I am here." I whispered. And for the first time, I really meant it from the bottom of my heart

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