Sunday, April 13, 2008

WASL + website

Not that I don't love Disneyland, or anything. It's just why NOW? why couldn't it have been over spring break? Oh, well. At least I get six extra days to to push off the WASL. But wait. No. I still have to Tomorow. And Tuesday. But Monday's party day, I think. But Tuesday's reading WASL. Guess I'll just have to deal. But hey I think I'm gonna have to find a way to fix my busted science website. Maybe I'll make a new one. This time, it'll be about music. Maybe there's just something wrong with my computer and the one in Mr. Lindbloom's classroom will let me open the most IMPORTANT page that I need to edit.


Unknown said...

OMG! u made a making a slideshow...WAY
cya l8r girl

the Band Geek said...

I made a slide show, too. but I am making the wecsite for more points from Mr. Lindbloom and stuff. After failing Washing studies cause I was absent for the whole WAshington map thing it's not like I want to fail this, too. besides. Catastrophic Events is a much funner Science unit!