Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Allegra's Silent Revenge

This is so funny and such a weird twist!
So Kelsie and Robin took me down to the gym (I was trying to cheer myself up after learning Mr. Watterkote might be teaching band at the highschool now instead of Woodward) and yesturday when Allegra, Madi and I were in the gym and Allegra was being annoying so I went to hit her on the top of the head with my 5 mm high french paper notebook, but she moved her head and her nose started bleeding really bad and it going all over the place and it left a trail of blood droplets behind in the gym. I didn't even hit her that hard! She even said it didn't hurt! But anywho. Today when we were in the gym I was standing in the EXACT place that Allegra was, and at the EXACT same time (I know becauseI looked at the clock for some strange reason) that I hit Allegra in the face, MY nose SPONTANIOUSLY starts bleeding! Of course, not nearly as bad as Allegra's cause I didn't have as much blood built up in my head she did from "something" earlier. But yeah, so now we're calling it "Allegra's silent revenge"


koolkid3 said...

I know but i got a bloody nose the next day at almost the same time and in the gym with madi and pinky
so it would be your silent revenge for my silent revenge

the Band Geek said...

haha but what about the WASL?
Now, THAT was funny. u see the drop of blood on ur WASL booklet.
"My nos is having it's period!"
OMG that was so funny.