Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Trip Review

wow. WOW. so Disneyland was soooooooo fun I almost cried when we had to leave because I swear the magic starts the very second you walk through the entrence and see the big Mickey head made of flowers. But truthfully, the magic hasn't settled into you until you go on Pirates of the Carribbean. So we made sure to go on EVERY ride there what's sad is that we waited in line for Indiana Jones 4 times on Thursday, but only rode it twice that day cause like half the rides were malfunctioning. And what was hilarious on Wednesday was that when we rode Matterhorn Mountain (the one with the Yetis-whoo hoo!) our bobsled was the last to come back cause they stopped loading people I think maybe after they let us get on. But when we went on it Thrusday there three more bobsleds (it's really a roller coaster, but they call it the Matterhorn Bobsleds) behind us when we got off but before we pulled in we saw two other bobsleds that got stuck up on the ride. It was funny. I can't wait to go back in September and meet the rest of Danette's (my aunt's friend) family cause she has two nieces and two nephews the oldest by being 16, then the neice who is twelve, the other nephew who is I believe seven, and the the other neice who five. They are all Ring-Heads so that should give us loads to talk about since the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is my fav movie EVER!!!!!!!!
In the pic I'm the one in the front, screaming for my life as we plunge down a waterfall in a giant log, and into a huge mass of sticker bushes. FUN!!!!!

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