Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The bad news vs. the good news

the bad news: I got sunburned on my forehead, nose, and arms! I now have a weird rash on my arms that looks like hives. Madi has sort of the same thing on her cheeks from Hawaii so I don't feel too bad.
the GOOD news: I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Not. But Disneyland was REALLY fun and Chris made me promise to get myself a stuffed ewok from the Star Trader. I named it after him and he was-and I quote-"Flattered! Maybe I should name my sweatshirt after you!" Which, you know. He was joking and all of that. But I DID get him a strobe light and trust me, that thing is SO much fun I was playing with it for like five minutes in the shop in Toontown and the lady who worked there got mad at me.
But the REALLY cool thing is that when I was buying the ewok and this awesome Goofy T that says "PARTLY CONFUSED (All of the Time)" on it that you guys loved yesterday, the clerk at the cash register said that one of the ladies who worked there at the Star Trader shop ACTUALLY plaid one of the ewoks in the sixth Star Wars movie! Which is only like the coolest thing EVER!!!! I didn't get to meet her, though.

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