Monday, April 14, 2008


I'm just writing this to pass time. Robin wants me to go to Ordway early today. Well, I mean she wanted me to take the Sakai bus to Ordway so I can meet some "hott" ninth grade dude she's friends with. I am not really sure how she thinks we're gonna get to Woodward Middle School from ORDWAY. Unless we walk for an hour and get there late and I have to give Madame Knell ANOTHER unexcused tardy slip and wind up getting an NTO and spending an hour after school doing who knows what under the watchful eye of What's Her Face. Joy. Sounds like SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAHA!!!! i cant believe u worried soooooo much about dat....hello eva heard of a SHUTTLE BUS...haha