Monday, April 14, 2008

Brad Wilmot

Today was like the weirdest day ever. Also one of the funniest. It started out when I got got up at like 6:00am cause my alarm didn't go off and so I called Robin to see what the overall plan was for meeting this Brad guy and catching his bus to Woodward after he and the rest of the high schoolers got off. It turned out she hadn't gotten up yet, so I was kind of her wake up call. So when we met up at Ordway we walked around and stuff and then Havier showed up to catch MY bus like he usually does. But it was so funny cause there is this tree outside the school that has three trunks coming out of it 3ft above the ground and I jumped on it and was going to move through and jump out on the other side, but I kind of freaked cause Robin had my cell and was trying to take a pic of me jumping off the tree, so, you know, PRESSURE. Not that I was scared or anything I was just a little curious of what the Elementory kids were thinking of me acting like a retard jumping on a tree. And Havier came around and was watching from a distance which only made things WORSE cause of extra pressure. Thanx "Javeer"(lol, Matt so funny). But then I finally got over freaking out about jumping a freaking THREE FEET off of a tree and did it. But when I was following Flobin-srry, robe, I mean RobE back to the dinky little covered benches and tripped over a cement slab sitting in the GRASS for crying out loud and skinned my knee and kind of rolled onto my back. What a great way to start the morning. So then I tried to convince Robe to do it, too, by jumping again. And this time it took me like ten seconds to do it cause I had been through the humiliation part and made it out alive. But it took Robe like,15 minutes cause once she made it up she started freaking even worse than I had and hugged the tree until Brad's bus came, so he probably saw her acting like an even bigger retart than I had-lolz. So when I finally helped her jump those tine three feet. Then we were waiting to get on and then Brad Wilmot walked off and I only knew what he looked like cause RobE sent me some pix of him he he only knew who I was cause robe told him I would be there and I had to hit Robe cause she wasn't paying attention and he said "Hey" to us so we said "Hey" back and lets just say he was NOT what I had expected.


the Band Geek said...

IS THIS PROOF????????? that u DID NOT post a comment?

Unknown said...

OMG! Kelsie said dat she'd join us in our retardedness 2morrow morning! isn't dat just ggg-rrr-eee-aaa-ttt(tony da tiger accent)

the Band Geek said...

lol yes it is butI don't think she'd be able 2 handle level of retardation we vibe! ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

nuhuh.....DO U KNOW KELSIE???? cuz trust me on dis 1...SHE CAN HANDLE IT! hahaha

the Band Geek said...

OMG robE, remember "I am the ROBE! GERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" that was so LOL funny!