Sunday, April 13, 2008


OMG 2day was probably the most boring day ever. I'm not a big fan of shopping, but when the clothes are cute and all it's fun. But we weren't shopping for clothes. Oh, no. We were returning MAKEUP for my MOM. So then we came home and I made another post on my blog and then I made some coffee from either Trader Jo's or Starbucks, I can't remember. But I added too much Creme Brule Coffee Mate so it was all milky and weird and then did some boring IMing for like five minutes with Caitlin. So now I've resorted to listening to Olivia Newton John's Greatest Hits album: Magic. Right now "Physical" is playing. "Let's get physical! Physical! I wanna get Physical! Let me hear your body talk! Your Body talk! Let me hear your body talk!"
Not really. I don't exactly want to get "horisontally" with anyone right now seeing as how I'm only 13 and all.


the Band Geek said...

this is a test to see if this works

the Band Geek said...

obviously it does.

the Band Geek said...


the Band Geek said...

srry, I mean Brandi. 4got u'll kill me if call u dat.