Monday, September 7, 2009


hormones suck. i hate them. and i hate the people around you who make hormones suck so much. i hate everything about them. i hate the way they look. i hate the way they talk. i hate they way flirt with the person you have/had feelings for. i hate the way the tell you they dont want to fight anymore and then they do everything within their power to piss you off. i hate them. i hate how when they are around you, you have to hold in all your anger and fury and screaming and punching and swearing and eye tearing and limb breaking and attempted murder, and then it pushes its way out of you in the form of tears. and people ask you whats going on and you have to lie so they dont know what you really want to do. because what you really want to do is shoot everybody up so they're all dead and you dont have to deal with your stupid hormones anymore because you're the only person left. hormones suck.