Thursday, September 3, 2009

first day of high school

yesterday was my first day as a freshman in high school. and thanks to my upperclassman friend, kelly, i knew where all my classes were and how to get from building to building quickly and traffic-free. i love all of my classes, all of my teachers, and i have friends in every class. i have a good feeling about this year. mr lindon piles on the algebra homework, but its nothing i cant handle. i did half the homework in class today anyway. and it only took about thirty minutes. maybe even less. i calculated exactly how many problems we had to do. there were exactly fifty. i GUESSED that we had "at least fifty math problems to do tonight" when i was talking to christine just now, and i was right! anyways. im really getting in touch with my inner Spaniard. i have no spanish blood, but i really love the culture, and the language is so beautiful and i looooooooove latin jazz. plus, my Spanish teacher is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. Señora Beck is awesome. and nice. too bad i dont have her second semester. i think i'll have señora pastor second semester.....anyways.

in band ms garcia told us that for now we are going to get parts and sit according to our chair placements from last year at woodward, and since eric and alex are in symphonic band now, THAT MAKES ME FIRST CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM THE FREAKING SECTION LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got so excited today that i failed epically at remembering the correct answer to any of the questions ms garcia asked. i had all the right answers when she IGNORED ME ON PURPOSE BECAUSE THATS JUST HOW SHE IS AND SHE LIKES TO TORTURE ME, but when she did call on me, my answer was wrong. ms garcia bullies me. but its okay. shes funny about it. like id be raising my hand really high and practically falling out of my seat for EVERY QUESTION and EVERY TIME she looks over, goes "ehhhhhh" and calls on somebody else. one time i was the only person raising their hand and she looked over and spun around and said "ANYBODY ELSE???? ANYONE? oh thank god." i promised cooper, who now has second chair, that i'd be a better section leader on tuesday (we only have three classes a day about an hour and fourty minutes each and i had band today so i dont tomorrow. and monday is labor day so no school). in any case, i will earn my spot as first chair and make everybody else in my section (though i love them all) feel unworthy. on the bright side i aced our sight reading. played it all correct. yay me.

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