Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just "Hey."

He took a lock of her dark hair and twirled it. Around and around his fingertip it went, like churning melted dark chocolate. He used to do that with my hair. He took her hand in his free hand, their fingertips intertwining, delicately woven and yet strong in that it seemed they would never part. I remember those same fingers tracing the line of my jaw as he pulled me in for our first kiss. Youth is so sweet and innocent when you’re in love. Across the open grass of the breezeway between the buildings of our high school campus, he ate up her eyes with his own, no doubt reciting the sincerity of his own feelings for her. When were alone or in public, it didn’t matter, he would always feel it necessary to inform me of how beautiful I looked every thirty seconds. He is probably the only boy who will ever say these things about me. It wouldn’t make a difference what I was wearing- T-shirt and jeans were usually the case- he’d tell me I was the best looking girl in the school. We slow danced in the commons of our old middle school after the 8th grade banquet, all dressed up, no music, all the lights on, teachers and parents tearing down all the decorations…we didn’t need music. We didn’t need a dark and crowded room full of sweaty jumping teenagers. We had each other.
"You’re perfect," he had said. "You look beautiful tonight. You always look beautiful."
His warm embrace was so safe, so comfortable, so familiar…. The longest relationship I had ever had. The girl who had asked him to the banquet- the girl he turned down because he wanted to go with me- leaned into that embrace, turning onto molasses in his arms.
My new boyfriend came up the hill from the bus-drop off and stood next to me.
"Hey," he said to me. That’s all he said. That’s all he ever says. Just "Hey."

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