Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One Grande Peppermint Mocha With Whip, Please

i havent said these words in a while, but i love my life. and hey, i had good reason not to when you consider that but its all over now. and i love my life. and you know what else? i love my friends. god my eighth grade friends are amazing. christine, kat, erin, sierra, olivia, all you guys are amazing i love you guys are amazing. to amazing for words. christine, i especially never would have gotten through any of this without you, my best friend, my sister from another mister. and you know what else i love? my boyfriend. i love being around him i love being with him i love thinking about him and i realize you can love someone without being in love with them.
we had our last marching band competition on the seventh of november. it was in auburn. the veterines day one. apparently the largest veterin's day celebration this side of the mississippi. it rained. a lot. but hey, we placed 3rd in the parade which is soooo much better than like almost last place the year before (which was before i was at BHS but whatever) soyeahh rocks for us. the bus ride home was awesome cause we didnt even leave until like 10:30pm and we didnt get back to bainbridge until 12:3o it was awesome there was major cuddling between me and brad on the dark two-hour-long ride home. we kinda fell asleep on each other haha.
my birthday was several weeks ago, as you probably know. the tenth of november. november 10th. thats mah birthday. my facebook page was entirely full of "happy birthday!"s from everyone. there were so many that some got moved to the "earlier posts" thing and got bumped off the viewing page. i was overwhelmed.
god i love starbucks. i love it so much. i love pumpkin spice lattes. im the reason they ran out of the pumkin spice syrup. they seriously did. theres only one starbucks on this whole freaking island and its in safeway and i drank them out of the pumpkin spice syrup. the PSlattes are, as Delaney puts it, "heavenly". shes totally right. i was nearly in tears when i went in there on the morning of my birthday before school and ordered a grande pumpkin spice latte with whip and the lady told me they were all out of the syrup and i was like AUGH TEARS OF SADNESSSSS D: but yeahh its all better now cuase ive been guzzling down peppermint mochas every morning in my first period. and then i have to go through withdrawal on the weekends and im suffering massive headaches and then theres days when im in too much of a hurry to stop by safeway (even though its right across the street from the high school) and i have a headache for the whole day it SUCKS going every day with coffee and skipping a day and suffering and wanting to kill everyone cause your head hurts so much i swear its like being hungover (cause i toootally know what thats like ahahahahano.). anyways.
so i felt like i should...i dunno....update this thing. so here i am. updating it. yay its up-to-date again.

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