Friday, July 10, 2009

sweety XD

the next few posts will be dedicated to my amazing friends. i love you guys, your friendship means everything to me.
i shall start with ryan.
if you had a yearbook, i probably would have outdone all the other yearbooks i signed, and written two pages of mushy crap to you. thankfully, you didnt, because then lilly's pen would have run out of ink before i finished. it actually ended up running out of ink anyway so i couldnt use it on the last day of school, but anyway thats beside the point and doesnt really matter i dont know why i started talking about it in the first place. IN ANY CASE. i love you soooooo soooo sooo much, but you already know that. i may not send you a bajillion hearts and smilie faces, but that doesnt mean i dont love you. getting to know you this year has been lots of fun, and if it werent for you i probably never would have started playing fooseball at every lunch like did. i actually grew addicted to it, even though im not very good at it at all XP its just so unbelievably fun! but thats getting off topic again. anyways. you are an amazing and fun person to be around, and i am so lucky to know you. i miss you lots! blah blah blah, your my boyfriend, yada yada yada, i havent forgotten. i just wish i could see you more than never.
in case i havent told you, i love you lots!
(kiss kiss hug hug BIG KISS little hug BIG HUG little kiss-yes its from nacho libre dont ask my why i said it.)

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