Friday, July 10, 2009

Aric Stuckrath

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my goodness aric i am sooooo happy i talked to you that one night because you have been an amazing confidant and advise giver and a very loyal friend ever since. you are so kind and caring and akways consider what its like to be in the other persons shoes before making a statement. you dont judge, or anything. i dont know how you do it, but you are an all around amazing guy. im sorry i was afraid of you and thought you were a perverted freak because your not. you are so funny. and you have a great singing voice and always held down the part for the rest of the guys in choir (plus you rocked that solo in Ticket to Ride) i love you lots aric, and hope to always be your friend no matter what. i also hope that you will always let me connect your zots!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD

you have very soft sideburns.

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