Friday, July 16, 2010


So much for telling you more about Hell Week hahaha oh well. My friend Kat and I are going to be starting our own blog together (yay) and I am making a promise to myself to KEEP UP WITH IT. I WILL NOT FORGET ABOUT EITHER OF THESE BLOGS ANYMORE. Just this one, and the new one Kat and I are starting soon. Sooooyeahh. Good for us. I'm kind of excited. It's going to show the contrast of a high school band student of all 4 years and a high school choir student of all 4 years (even though she's a grade below meeeeeee and will be a freshman this year. Anyways it's gonna be about comparing the two I suppose. But mostly it will just be about all the fun we have together. Like today... Maybe that will be our first post... :D

Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring's Got Me Twitterpated

Haha, title pretty much says it all. New season brings new love. I know of at least three people who like me, one person who might ask me out (cause he told me he might) whom I must turn down, and one person I like a lot who may or may not like me back HMM ~SUSPICION~ WOOOO MAGICAL . So who knows what will happen? All i know is love is in the air and I am breathing waaaay too much to possibly be sane right now. The spring musical is a week from tonight, Friday, April 30th is opening night at 7:30pm in the LGI of BHS. The next performance is the same time the next night, Saturday, May 1st at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:45pm both nights. Weekend after that, Firday and Saturday, the 7th and 8th of May, at 7:30 are the last two performances. I have the trombone solo in song #7: "Waiting For Sam", and at the second performance, May 1st, our other two trombones, Rae and Jacob, will be at the Jazz festival and competition in Bellview. SO GUESS WHO WILL BE THE ONLY ONE PLAYING TROMBONE THAT NIGHT - YEAH THAT WOULD BE ME YAAAAAAAAAAY MEEEEEEE. I'm so excited. We are also playing "In The Mood" at intermission. YAAAAY IN THE MOOD. If you are wondering what the musical is about here's what I can tell you from what I've gathered so far: It is the story of the Dog of Ulisys (or however its spelled) from Homer's The Odessy only set in the time of the Vietnam War, and Odysious's name is Sam. I can't really say much, I'm just in the pit orchestra. Oh, I guess the NAME of the musical would be good to know too, haha! It's called "Alley Dog" and its by Paul Lewis, a local composer from right here on Bainbridge Island! Our school is the first to put it on ever so this is the freaking World Premier of this musical, which means WE are going to be used as the recordings that the other schools listen to when they put it on! AAAH SCARY HOPE WE DONT SCREW UP TOO BADLY... *Sigh* next week is Hell Week, which means rehersal goes till 6:00pm. Before we played on stage with the actors we'd work till 4:00 monday through thursday in the band room. Then we went till 5:00pm this week on stage. *Shiver* next week will probably make us all cry..... XD oh well. That's all I'm going to say for now, talk at you next week with more on how Hell Week is going!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Concert Prep

gosh i really need to keep up with this thing. i keep forgetting that OH YEAH i have a blog i should probably update it...
So the spring concert is Tuesday, March 9th at 6:30pm in the commons of BHS. i'm playing first trombone part in concert band and third part in symphonic. "Fortress" pisses me off because the 2nd and 3rd trombone parts are on the same page, so every note is a divisi. I HATE having to read music where the whole stupid page has two notes theres just so much stuff and i get so confused and end up playing the top part cause its the only part i can see. i'm not used to playing the lower part of divisis so this isn't a problem i've ever had to deal with. oh well. OH and i got a trumpet (yay me) back in November and i can already hit the high G which amazes my trumpeter friend Ryan. i'm taking lessons from my awesome junior friend Lizzie who is absolutely one of the coolest people on the planet. she is first trumpet in Wind Ensemble which is the highest band at the school (Concert, then Symphonic, then Wind Ensemble). she was moved up from concert band into wind ensemble for the second semester of her freshman year (thats MAJORLY impressive. if you arent impressed then you just fail life) so i figure who else at the school? and she only charges $15 an hour and we meet for one hour at her house every wednesday so thats a pretty good deal. i also got an alto sax and a clarinet from my friend Corben who is 19 and moved to New York over winter break. the sax plays great but clarinet smells like old chips and stale crackers. i took it to my private teacher for trombone (Jas, who plays every instrument and gives lessons for all of them) and so he's going to clean it for me and make sure it's in playing condition. soyeahh i'm pretty excited about that. STUPID CONCERT IS A WEEK FROM TODAY EXACTLY, THOUGH. and my mouthpiece, which is a 51-D (AKA 5-G in bach sizes) isnt coming for another week, and i really hope it gets here before the concert. and that i dont have to play $94.65 for it. i got my trumpet for only slightly more than that! and the trumpets unused! and my TROMBONE MOUTHPIECE COST ALMOST AS MUCH AS A TRUMPET. WHAT THE !#%$&*@ !!!!!!!!! oh well, the lady who works at Village Music is SOOO awesome and nice shes a total hippie but shes pretty cool. they didnt have my size mouthpiece in so they had to call the manufacturers and order it in. she remembers my name cause they sell the brand of AMPs named after me (Laney, but my name is LaIney-with an i) but i keep forgetting her name! XD i feel bad about that...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Whiteout

the double header game friday night was exhausting. it seemed like it would never end. i was so ready and energetic when the girls game started (we even won) but by the time we started second quarter in the boys game i was wiped out. i dont know why. i could not figure out how on earth i was going to possibly last through the winter whiteout dance aftwerwards. once we got out in the rain it was like a whole new chapter in the night. brad and i walked across the breezeway and lined up with kelly, jack, sarah and graham for the dance (four junior friends from marching band). i had no idea what i was about to encounter. it was my first high school dance and i was so naiive to think that it would be like the boring middle school dances where nobody knew what to do so all they did was jump up and down like idiots. no, it was a mass of hormone-enraged teenagers all grinding each other. the six of us got into weird pointed oval with jack in front, me and kelly next to each other, brad and sarah behind us sarah behind kelly brad behind me, and graham at the back. jack lead the way and graham pushed us into the thick group. im not sure why this happened, nobody could hear anything over the music, teh uppercalssmen all just aggreed on it and that meant we did too i guess. it was terrifying. the whole time i was wondering why i could feel people grinding my shins. at some points i seriously felt peoples asses in the back of me knees. at other times i couldnt even feel the ground beneath my feet and when i could people were stepping on my ankles and feet (thus giving me a few lovely bruises). all six of us fell down at least twice - poor kelly fell down like four times. but i found that for me it didnt matter if i fell or not because somebody knockes you down but you get pushed back up almsot immediately by somebody elses ass. it was a good system. it was so tightly packed that most of the time i couldnt move my arms at all and i didnt know what or who i was touching but im pretty sure that i might have grabbed some guys balls on accident. maybe thats why he gave me that weird look. when the group closed us in and we were no longer on the outside (id say about ten people in) graham started pushing us towards the center of the huge mass. we all agreed that it was like the deeper we got in the more alcohol we could smell. it was also so tightly packed that brads hips were involuntarily pressed into my ass, and my hips were pressed into kelly's ass (once we got into the group we became a single filed winding and very confused snake of six people).
were on the borderlines of the center when kelly got severed from our small snake. this guy and his girlfriend grind their past her, and poor kelly is looking up at this guy in pure horror. jack and i pulled her back in and she looked about ready to cry.
well THEN, and im sure you remember conrad right? well i got pushed between him and his girlfriend and its like he didnt even notice! he just kept grinding me and i was TERRIFIED absolutely TERRIFIED thought i was going to DIE but thankfully kelly saved me. when we got to the center we could. not. breathe. we were amid whirling, girating hips in a sea of bad breath and sweat. i screamed to kelly "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMOREEEE" and some guy, think he was a senior, said "dont worry just find a lap base and stick with it thats what i do." i laughed really hard at that. finally we all squeezed our way out of the grinding teenagers and couldnt feel ourselves sweating therefore we concluded that we were covered entirely in other peoples sweat. we left half an hour before it ended and spent the time cooling off in the rain. it was marvelous. the winter whiteout dance was an extremely scary experience, named after the fact that you were supposed to where a white shirt to it (all i had was a tanktop and the straps kept falling down the whole time, only making matters like ten times worse, doncha think?), but you know what? i'd do it a gain. the winter gala is this wednesday after the girls game and i am going. cant wait. chao for nao

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One Grande Peppermint Mocha With Whip, Please

i havent said these words in a while, but i love my life. and hey, i had good reason not to when you consider that but its all over now. and i love my life. and you know what else? i love my friends. god my eighth grade friends are amazing. christine, kat, erin, sierra, olivia, all you guys are amazing i love you guys are amazing. to amazing for words. christine, i especially never would have gotten through any of this without you, my best friend, my sister from another mister. and you know what else i love? my boyfriend. i love being around him i love being with him i love thinking about him and i realize you can love someone without being in love with them.
we had our last marching band competition on the seventh of november. it was in auburn. the veterines day one. apparently the largest veterin's day celebration this side of the mississippi. it rained. a lot. but hey, we placed 3rd in the parade which is soooo much better than like almost last place the year before (which was before i was at BHS but whatever) soyeahh rocks for us. the bus ride home was awesome cause we didnt even leave until like 10:30pm and we didnt get back to bainbridge until 12:3o it was awesome there was major cuddling between me and brad on the dark two-hour-long ride home. we kinda fell asleep on each other haha.
my birthday was several weeks ago, as you probably know. the tenth of november. november 10th. thats mah birthday. my facebook page was entirely full of "happy birthday!"s from everyone. there were so many that some got moved to the "earlier posts" thing and got bumped off the viewing page. i was overwhelmed.
god i love starbucks. i love it so much. i love pumpkin spice lattes. im the reason they ran out of the pumkin spice syrup. they seriously did. theres only one starbucks on this whole freaking island and its in safeway and i drank them out of the pumpkin spice syrup. the PSlattes are, as Delaney puts it, "heavenly". shes totally right. i was nearly in tears when i went in there on the morning of my birthday before school and ordered a grande pumpkin spice latte with whip and the lady told me they were all out of the syrup and i was like AUGH TEARS OF SADNESSSSS D: but yeahh its all better now cuase ive been guzzling down peppermint mochas every morning in my first period. and then i have to go through withdrawal on the weekends and im suffering massive headaches and then theres days when im in too much of a hurry to stop by safeway (even though its right across the street from the high school) and i have a headache for the whole day it SUCKS going every day with coffee and skipping a day and suffering and wanting to kill everyone cause your head hurts so much i swear its like being hungover (cause i toootally know what thats like ahahahahano.). anyways.
so i felt like i should...i dunno....update this thing. so here i am. updating it. yay its up-to-date again.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just "Hey."

He took a lock of her dark hair and twirled it. Around and around his fingertip it went, like churning melted dark chocolate. He used to do that with my hair. He took her hand in his free hand, their fingertips intertwining, delicately woven and yet strong in that it seemed they would never part. I remember those same fingers tracing the line of my jaw as he pulled me in for our first kiss. Youth is so sweet and innocent when you’re in love. Across the open grass of the breezeway between the buildings of our high school campus, he ate up her eyes with his own, no doubt reciting the sincerity of his own feelings for her. When were alone or in public, it didn’t matter, he would always feel it necessary to inform me of how beautiful I looked every thirty seconds. He is probably the only boy who will ever say these things about me. It wouldn’t make a difference what I was wearing- T-shirt and jeans were usually the case- he’d tell me I was the best looking girl in the school. We slow danced in the commons of our old middle school after the 8th grade banquet, all dressed up, no music, all the lights on, teachers and parents tearing down all the decorations…we didn’t need music. We didn’t need a dark and crowded room full of sweaty jumping teenagers. We had each other.
"You’re perfect," he had said. "You look beautiful tonight. You always look beautiful."
His warm embrace was so safe, so comfortable, so familiar…. The longest relationship I had ever had. The girl who had asked him to the banquet- the girl he turned down because he wanted to go with me- leaned into that embrace, turning onto molasses in his arms.
My new boyfriend came up the hill from the bus-drop off and stood next to me.
"Hey," he said to me. That’s all he said. That’s all he ever says. Just "Hey."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


boys are so complicated. tehy piss me off. they make no sense. they just and then you and its all like and then im like but nooooooo i cant so then they go like that but you cant listen to them because they make no sense when they do the opposite of what they say and then AUGHHHHH it pisses me off im going to go watch destination truth now.