Friday, April 23, 2010
Spring's Got Me Twitterpated
Haha, title pretty much says it all. New season brings new love. I know of at least three people who like me, one person who might ask me out (cause he told me he might) whom I must turn down, and one person I like a lot who may or may not like me back HMM ~SUSPICION~ WOOOO MAGICAL . So who knows what will happen? All i know is love is in the air and I am breathing waaaay too much to possibly be sane right now. The spring musical is a week from tonight, Friday, April 30th is opening night at 7:30pm in the LGI of BHS. The next performance is the same time the next night, Saturday, May 1st at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:45pm both nights. Weekend after that, Firday and Saturday, the 7th and 8th of May, at 7:30 are the last two performances. I have the trombone solo in song #7: "Waiting For Sam", and at the second performance, May 1st, our other two trombones, Rae and Jacob, will be at the Jazz festival and competition in Bellview. SO GUESS WHO WILL BE THE ONLY ONE PLAYING TROMBONE THAT NIGHT - YEAH THAT WOULD BE ME YAAAAAAAAAAY MEEEEEEE. I'm so excited. We are also playing "In The Mood" at intermission. YAAAAY IN THE MOOD. If you are wondering what the musical is about here's what I can tell you from what I've gathered so far: It is the story of the Dog of Ulisys (or however its spelled) from Homer's The Odessy only set in the time of the Vietnam War, and Odysious's name is Sam. I can't really say much, I'm just in the pit orchestra. Oh, I guess the NAME of the musical would be good to know too, haha! It's called "Alley Dog" and its by Paul Lewis, a local composer from right here on Bainbridge Island! Our school is the first to put it on ever so this is the freaking World Premier of this musical, which means WE are going to be used as the recordings that the other schools listen to when they put it on! AAAH SCARY HOPE WE DONT SCREW UP TOO BADLY... *Sigh* next week is Hell Week, which means rehersal goes till 6:00pm. Before we played on stage with the actors we'd work till 4:00 monday through thursday in the band room. Then we went till 5:00pm this week on stage. *Shiver* next week will probably make us all cry..... XD oh well. That's all I'm going to say for now, talk at you next week with more on how Hell Week is going!
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